Financial due diligence

Financial due diligence is a critical aspect of transaction planning as it can affect the purchase price for a business or even the decision whether to proceed. Our due diligence approach is to provide peace of mind by identifying all the critical factors for which an informed decision can then be made.

Our experienced professionals undertake a tailored approach and focus on key risk areas to provide pragmatic and commercial insights to ensure the investment rationale is robust and the difficult questions can be answered. We rely on the expertise of our colleagues to cover specialist areas such as tax and pensions, as well as using sector experts to provide the necessary commercial assessments.


Our assignments are closely led by partners and directors to ensure any key issues are identified at an early stage and no surprises are delivered at the end of the process.

We regularly provide advice on the associated legal documentation, including warranties and indemnities, the definitions of working capital and net debt, as well as identifying the most appropriate completion mechanisms.